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Premiering Choirs

The King's Singers

The King's Singers will premiere the winning piece of the Category 2

The King's Singers


The Voces8 will premiere the winning piece of Category 1


National Chamber Choir Madrigal-Marin Constantin

The National Chamber Choir Madrigal-Marin Constantin (Anna Ungureanu, conductor) will premiere the runner-up piece of Category 1

National Chamber Choir Madrigal-Marin Constantin

Philippine Madrigal Singers

The Philippine Madrigal Singers (Mark Anthony Carpio, conductor) will premiere the runner-up piece of Category 2

Philippine Madrigal Singers

Choir Kamēr

The Choir Kamēr (Aivis Greters, conductor) will premiere one of the selected pieces participating to the category 1

Coro Kamēr

Chamber Choir of the Moscow Conservatoire of Music 

The Chamber Choir of the Moscow Conservatoire of Music (Alexander Solovyev, conductor) will premiere one or more of the selected pieces participating to the category 1

Chamber Choir of the Moscow Conservatoire of Music

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